
Wood Wool Macine

wood wool machine

wood wool machine, also known as a wood shredder or excelsior machine, is a type of industrial equipment that is used to produce wood wool, which is a type of wood fiber product that is often used as a packing material or as a bedding material for livestock. Wood wool is made by shredding wood into thin, curly fibers, which are then typically compressed into mats or sheets.

A wood wool machine typically consists of a rotating drum or cylinder that has sharp blades or knives mounted on its surface. As the drum rotates, wood logs or slabs are fed into the machine and the blades shred the wood into thin, curly fibers that are collected and processed further. Some wood wool machines are designed to produce specific grades or sizes of wood wool fibers, depending on the intended application.

Yamei Machinery  are professional manfacturer for wood shaving machine,dryer, siever,auto baler and sawdust machin

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